Wednesday 12 January 2011


Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a group of symptoms that start one to two weeks before your period. Most women have at least some symptoms of PMS, and the symptoms go away after their periods start. For some women, the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with their lives. They have a type of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD.
Common PMS symptoms include
  • Breast swelling and tenderness
  • Acne
  • Bloating and weight gain
  • Pain - headache or joint pain
  • Food cravings
  • Irritability, mood swings, crying spells, depression
No one knows what causes PMS, but hormonal changes trigger the symptoms. No single PMS treatment works for everyone. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen may help ease cramps, headaches, backaches and breast tenderness. Exercising, getting enough sleep, and avoiding salt, caffeine, and alcohol can also help.
National Women's Health Information Center


What am i doing?

Busy as a bee!!!!!!!!

1.Study on Internal Med stuffs.

I think i have an idea for my specialization. I can feel the calling from internal med!=) 

2. Thesis work to be completed and registered.

3. Set a date for thesis exam

4. Pack things to move 

Gosh!!!!!! I shall pray to get through next few days! 

Monday 10 January 2011


I'm exhausted. Another 33 hours. Promise will update soon!

About 2am. Exhaustion had set in.

Whatever that took us to stay awake. Including gulping down tonnes of H2O!

Thank god these girls were friendly. Chit chatting with them helped me get through the night!

I'm going back to sleep now. 


Friday 7 January 2011

33 hours

After being up for 33 hours, i cant really say i had a good day.

33 hours later, i'm left with an empty feeling.

33 hours later, all that in my mind is the quote "If you love someone, set them free"

Sometimes the best thing to do is just to simply let go. I'm letting go of you. I'm letting go of all of you.

Standing after 33 hours, my mind is clear as it ever been. I saw exactly what i needed to do.

Dear S n A,
I dont want anyone to be in between. I dont want anyone to feel pain because of me. I dont want anyone to say the cause of their suffering is me.

It was fun. We had an awesome four years. My life would not have been the same without all of you.

Knowing that I am causing your sufferings, i dont think i have the strength to carry that burden on my shoulders.

I am letting you go. Setting you free.

I said what i said so that your decision will be easier. I know what you want. You know what you want. But a  stupid feeling of guilt is stopping you from making the right decision. Making the decision that will make you happy.

I am letting you go. Hoping that you will be happy. Hoping that it'll lessen your burden.

It'll be easier to do if you hate me. Maybe hate is a harsh word. It'll be easier for you if you think i am selfish. I am thinking about only myself. MAYBE....

This is my decision. I love you guys alot. I will always love you guys. But its time for me to step away. Its the right thing to do.

Take care my friends. Have a wonderful life.

Love, K.

After 33 hours, i made the decision i should have made a long time ago.


Wednesday 5 January 2011

To do do do do and do

Uneventful day as there were no patient at the delivery room. Or at least the ones' there weren't interesting. hehe.

The ever reliable Post-It!

As i was saying in my previous post, my lecturer wasn't satisfied with my chapter 6. According to him, i can do better. Well, maybe i can do better, so , decided to revise it and do some changes. That's the first to do in my list.

No 2 - I need coffee! The canned ones of course. Reason will be explained in no 4

No 3 - I shud update my MP3 player. Its about time anyway. I'm a mood listener. Therefore my taste in music changes often. Right now my MP3 has my Emo state songs. Need to change it to something upbeat. Reason will be explained in no 4, again. I KNOW. WHAT IS NO 4?

No 4 - I'm oncall/jaga tomorrow!!!!!!!! AHHHHH! Its from 3pm till 5am. 
You see, my class is from 8.30am till 2.00pm. 
Than i have abt 1 hour break to do whatever. Must be back in hospital by 3. 
Will be there till 5.00am. 
Go home and have to come back for class at 8.30am till 2.00pm. 
YAY!!!! Hence no 2 and no 3. Coffee to keep me awake all those loooong hours. Weirdly, the cafe at the hospital doesn't sell coffee cans. AND MP3 with upbeat songs to keep me company.

I'm not sure how i am going to survive. Maybe will try to sneak in some zzzs if there is no cases.

Place to sleep? Floor, benches, pavement, whatever that is flat i guess.

Excitement plus with the fact that i will be a real grumpy ASS if i dont get my sleep.

Will let u know my grumpiness level tomorrow k? Or maybe later coz i know i'll come back and die!

PS: If there is a cute PPDS , i might tag along with him..huhu=)

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Clerkship day 2


I'm exhausted. Plus, my lecturer just said chapter 6 of my thesis is not Up to his expectation.

No pictures. I look horrible.

Okay. I'm going to die and wake up tomorrow morning.  


Monday 3 January 2011

clerkship = waiting around for no reason

This is what we looked like in the morning. Before clerkship started.

All smiley wiley. Looking fresh. Happy=)

Look at me! I combed my ever stubborn curly hair and managed to look somewhat like a nerd! hehe.

This is what i looked like after clerkship...

completely dead! I was got damn exhausted standing around for 6 hours!

Got some bad news today. Dont feel like talking about it at all. Whatever la. I'm going to leave it to god and do my best now. Step by Step. 

P.S : I need a really comfy shoes!!! SKETCHERS here i come!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Guess what?

I'M MOVING! Wooohoooo!

Let me show you my new room. Pictures taken before moving in.

My cupboard, study table and book rack 

My bed. Tats not my bedsheets. It comes with the room.

TAADAA! My very own sitting toilet and shower!

Think i'll be moving in around 15th January. Will take a picture after i have moved in k?

I need some idea on how to decorate my room!

New year New skin


Its a new year. Hello 2011. Hope you'll be kinder to me than 2010.

I dont think i wanna recap 2010. No way. In summary, it was hell.

But i am very determined to make the best of 2011.

Made a long term to do list today. Actually its more of new year's resolution. But calling it resolution is like putting pressure on urself. So, i decided to call it a to do list.

Mind you, i do have that many things in my to do list. hehe.

I need a different take on life. U know, like a different view. The current one almost took me six feet under so to speak. But whatever. I'm determined this time.

I have hit the restart button and doing everything all over again. I have watched plenty of movies that comes with the line "there's no restart button for life". But life is what we make of it rite?

I'll share my to do list soon.....

P.S: one lesson learned from 2010, money doesn't just buy you things, it buys friendship as well.